The Anatomy of the Foot

The foot is a complicated part of the body and without it, we wouldn’t be able to perform a lot of activities, including sports. One of the most common related injuries in sports is to do with the feet and it can be beneficial to know what the foot is made up of and what the common bones are that are used in movements such as running. Through certain socks and shoes, like men’s compression or toes socks, the feet can be protected from serious damage and through external padding, the impact of intense movement will not injury the bones. This article will describe the feet and their entire anatomy.

Bones and Muscles

The feet have a lot of different bones and muscles and they all contribute when walking, running and balancing. The foot can be divided into three different groups in regards to its bone structure. Firstly, the foot has 5 toes and 5 other, longer bones that make up the majority of the foot. The foot also has a pyramid structure and is made up of three different, larger bones that give the foot its core. Thirdly, the heel contains the largest bone in the foot and also contains the bone which connects the foot to the two legs bones. There are, of course, scientific names for all of these bones but they are all very long and complicated.

As for the muscles, ligaments, etc. they tend to run on the bottom/base of the foot and they enable the foot to remain balanced and also connect the heel to the leg through the Achilles, allowing for walking, running and jumping. This is also why a lot of runners will experience plantar fasciitis because the tendons that receive damage are on the bottom of the foot.

Difference Foot Conditions

Now that the anatomy of the foot has been briefly explained, it can be helpful to know the conditions that are associated with these parts and how they can cause pain in the foot, which will require repair through rest and foot support socks.

Swollen Feet

Swollen feet are a common issue among many individuals, especially athletes. Swollen feet is the result of blood flow towards the foot during vigorous exercise and it is not entirely known what the real scientific cause is for swollen feet. Some scientific evidence does suggest that swollen feet are the result of blood vessels and when individuals engage in running or intense exercise the feet struggle to get enough blood because the heart is using it all. As a result, the feet open up the blood vessels more and this is problematic, as this can cause sodium issues.

Tendon Injuries

Tendon issues and injuries are the most common form of foot injury that many athletes will experience. They can also be one of the more painful experiences and with so many tendons in the foot, injury can occur in multiple areas. Plantar fasciitis is the most common form of tendon injury and it can be felt through a sharp, stabbing pain in the bottom of the foot. In most cases, this can be prevented through the application of a foam padded, compression toe sock. This makes sure that the impact of running is reduced which can aid your tendons and feet bones.

Other individuals may suffer from infections but this is rare and usually requires the individuals to have some sort of medical condition (diabetes, etc.). The foot is a complicated mechanism and allows us to run, jump and walk. The foot is made up from a lot of bones and tendons and these can become easily damaged during exercise and other vigorous activities. Make sure you prevent foot injury through wearing men’s and women’s compression socks and learn to rest after your training.