

Construction Worker:

I get to work at 6am every single day.

Being able to move around and walk up and down all day without achy feet is awesome.

And with the silver ion infused fabric, I no longer have that smelly foot problem.

FootGlove really helps to make my day go smoother, because the one thing that I don’t have to worry about now is sore feet.


It’s surprising how much walking I do when I’m at work.

You’d think it’s such a small restaurant, but the walking adds up. FootGlove goes with me every step that I take throughout the day, the soft cushioning pads really work and all I can say is thank you, thank you.

I can finally go home and not have to soak my feet anymore.

Tennis Pro:

I love what I do. Teaching tennis is both fun and healthy for me. But jumping around on the court all day can be brutal.

But not anymore, since I’ve started wearing my Foot Gloves. These things are amazing.

The compression upper that they advertise helps to support my ankles and legs. And the extra shock absorbing foam pads are comfortable and helps protect my feet. I no longer have to depend on pain medicines to reduce my foot pain that may be harmful to my liver.

Thanks FootGlove!